Job Shadowing Experience

Please complete this application accurately prior to the requested Job Shadowing Experience in order for People Services to properly assess your application. You will be contacted within 14 working days from when all the paperwork has been completed.

Note: Incomplete forms will not be processed!

Prior to submitting the form please visit Job Shadowing, download and complete the related documents and send to the perspective zone you are volunteering to. The zone contacts are located on the link provided.

Required field - must be filled in. A red asterisk (*) marks required fields.


Contact Information



*Main Contact #  

Emergency Contacts

Contact 1




Contact 2




Academic Information (if applicable)

Name of Academic Institution

Program of Studies

Year of Enrollment

Type of Program

General Information

*Proposed dates of Job Shadowing Experience

*Which program or programs do you want to job shadow? (list all options here). Please provide details so we can best accomodate your needs.  

Do you require any special accommodations due to medical limitations, disability or other restrictions? If yes, please explain

Learning Objectives

*Is this Job Shadowing Experience a requirement for your academic program?  

*Please explain why this job shadow experience is necessary to you.  

*Please provide your specific Learning Objectives for this Job Shadowing Experience

